Friday, February 24, 2017

Saturday of Our Lady

Photo: R. Massaro Queen of Heaven Eucharistic Chapel Green, Ohio

St. John Vianney's Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O most holy Virgin Mary, who evermore stands before the most holy Trinity, and to whom it is granted at all times to pray for us to your most beloved Son; pray for me in all my necessities; help me, protect me, and obtain for me the pardon of all my sins. Help me especially at my last hour; and when I can no longer give any sign of the use of reason, then encourage me, make the sign of the cross for me, and fight for me against the enemy. Make in my name a profession of faith;favor me with a testimony of my salvation, and never let me despair of the mercy of God. Help me to overthrow the tempting enemy. When I can no longer say: "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I place my soul in your hands." I ask you to say it for me;

Photo: R. Massaro Little Flower Parish North Canton, Ohio
when I can no longer hear human words of consolation, comfort me. Leave me not before I have been judged, and if I have to atone for my sins in purgatory, pray for me earnestly; and admonish my friends to procure for me a speedy enjoyment of the blessed vision of God. Lessen my sufferings, deliver me speedily, and lead my soul into heaven with you: that, united with all the elect, I may there bless and praise my God and you for all eternity. Amen.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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