Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stained Glass Flowers-Little Accounts of the Miraculous

From the life of St. John of the Cross:

He had the opportunity, from a daily reprieve from his cell,to familiarize himself  with the monastery surroundings. Then, one hot night in August, after being held prisoner for nine months,emaciated and close to death, John chose life and undertook a dangerous escape he had plotted during the short periods out of his cell. ...There was a lock on the prison door. He solved that problem by loosening the screws of the lock while his jailer was absent...this enabled him to leave his prison and find his way in the dark  to the window. By means of a kind of rope made out of strips torn from two old bed covers and attached to a lamp hook, he escaped through the window onto the top of the wall. He landed inside the courtyard of the Franciscan nuns of the Conception monastery that was adjacent to that of the Carmelites. Fortunatley, in one corner of the nuns' garden he found that the stones in the wall could be used as steps, allowing him to climb over the wall to the city street and to his freedom. After his escape he found refuge with St. Teresa's nuns in Toledo.
An excerpt from the Collected Works of St. John of the Cross translated by Kieran Kavanugh, O.C.D.

Click here to learn more about St. John of the Cross

Peace be with you!

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