Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday in the Year for Priests

His church was neither beautiful nor rich. The frame structure above it could not really be called a steeple. Inside, the main altar was of painted wood, adorned with four wooden candlesticks that did it no honor. A modest statue of the Blessed  Virgin stood to the right of the choir. Now while Father Vianney loved poverty, he did not admit its presence in a church. Nothing was too beautiful or too sumptuous for what he would later call "God's household."
From the Remarkable Cure of Ars by Michele de St. Pierre
(Photo by Rosemarie of Spirit Singing-Taken at St. Martin of Tours-Valley City, Ohio)

Meaning of the Ceremonies at Mass
From an old prayer card that reads: Imprimatur, New York, July 21, 1913, John M. Farley, Archbishop of N.Y.

1.    Priest--Goes to the altar
       Christ--Goes to Mount Olive

2.   Priest-Commences Mass
      Christ-Begins to pray.

3.   Priest--Says the Confiteor.
      Christ--Falls down in agony.

4.   Priest--Kisses the altar.
      Christ--Is betrayed by Judas with a kiss.

5.   Priest--Goes to the Epistle side.
      Christ--Is bound and taken to Annas.

6.  Priest--Goes to the altar and says the Kyrie eleison.
     Christ--Is brought to Caiphas and there denied three times by Peter.

7.  Priest--Says  Dominus vobiscum.
     Christ--Looks at Peter and converts him.

8.  Priest--Reads the Epistle.
     Christ--Is brought to Pilate.

9.  Priest--Prays at the middle of the altar.
     Christ--Is taken to Herod and mocked.

10. Priest--Reads the Gospel.
      Christ--Taken back to Pilate; again mocked.

11.  Priest--Uncovers the chalice.
       Christ--Is stripped of His garments.

12. Priest--Offers bread and wine.
      Christ--is scourged at the pillar.

13. Priest--Covers the chalice.
      Christ--Is crowned with thorns.

14. Priest--Washes his hands.
      Christ--Is declared innocent by Pilate.

15. Priest-Says the Orate Fratres.
      Christ--Is shown by Pilate to the people with the words "Ecce Homo."

16. Priest--Prays in low voice.
      Christ--is mocked and spit upon.

17. Priest--Says the Preface and the Sanctus.
      Christ--Is kept instead of Barnabs and condemned to death.

18. Priest--Makes the Memento for the living.
      Christ--Carries the Cross to Mount Calvary.

19. Priest--Continues to pray in a low voice.
      Christ--Meets his mother and other pious women.

20. Priest--Blesses the bread and wine with the sign of the cross.
      Christ--Is nailed to the cross.

21. Priest--Elevates the Sacred Host.
      Christ--Is raised on the cross.

22. Priest--Elevates the chalice.
      Christ--Sheds His blood from the five wounds.

23. Priest--Prays in a low voice.
      Christ--Sees His afflicted mother at the cross.

24. Priest--Says aloud: Nobis quoque peccatoribus.
      Christ--Prays on the cross for all men.

25. Priest--Says aloud the Our Father.
      Christ--Says the seven words of the cross.

26. Priest--Breaks and separates the Host.
      Christ--Gives up His spirit and dies.

27. Priest--Lets a small part of the Sacred Host fall into
      the chalice.
      Christ--Descends into Limbo.

28. Priest--Says the Agnus Dei
      Christ--Is acknowledged on the cross to be the Son of God by bystanders.

29. Priest--Gives Holy Communion.
      Christ--Is laid in the sepulchre.

30. Priest--Cleanses the chalice.
      Christ--Is anointed by pious women.

31. Priest--Prepares the chalice for use again.
      Christ--Arises from the dead.

32. Priest-Says the Dominus vobiscum.
      Christ--Appears to His mother and disciples.

33. Priest--Says the last prayer.
      Christ--Teaches for forty days.

34. Priest--Says the last Dominus vobiscum.
      Christ--Takes leave of His disciples and ascends into Heaven.

35. Priest--Gives the blessing.
      Christ-Sends down the Holy Ghost.

36. Priest--Says Ite, Missa est, and reads the last Gospel.
      Christ--Sends the Apostles to preach the Gospel.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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