Monday, November 16, 2009

Commemoration of All Carmelite Souls

May all the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

"Death cannot be bitter to the soul that loves, for in it she finds all the sweetness and delight of love. The thought of death cannot sadden her, for what she finds is that gladness accompanies this thought. Neither can the thought of death be burdensome and painful to her, for death will put an end to all her sorrows and afflictions and be the beginning of all her bliss. She thinks of death as her friend and bridegroom, and at the thought of it she rejoices as she would over the thought of her betrothal and marriage, and she longs for the day and hour of her death more than earthly kings long for kingdoms and principalities."
St. John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle, Stanza 11, No. 10

A description of the death of St. Therese of the Child Jesus from St. Therese of Lisieux Her Last Conversations:

"Oh, I would not want to suffer for a shorter time!" And looking at her crucifix: "Oh! I love Him!..."My God...I love you!..."

Suddenly, after having pronounced these words, she fell back, her head leaning to the right. Mother Prioress had the infirmary bell rung very quickly to call back the community.
"Open all the doors," she said at the same time. These words had something solemn about them, and made me think that in heaven God was saying them also to His angels.
The Sisters had time to kneel down around her bed, and they were witnesses to the ecstasy of the little, dying saint. her face had regained the lily-white complextion it always had in full health; her eyes were fixed above, brilliant with peace and joy. She made certain beautiful movements with her head as though someone had divinely wounded her with an arrow of love, then had withdrawn the arrow to wound her again...

Sister Marie of the Eucharist approached with a candle to get a closer view of that sublime look. In the light of the candle, there didn't appear any movement in her eyelids. This ecstasy lasted almost the space of a Credo, and then she gave her last breath.

Today we commemorate the Feast of All Souls of Carmel.  Let us remember all those holy souls of our Order who have been called to the Wedding Feast.  Let us remember to pray for the living and deceased members of our local community by reciting Morning and Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours at least on a monthly basis.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS


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