Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday in the Year for Priests

John Mary Vianney was now seventeen...The future? Already John Mary Vianney had only one ambition: to be a priest. But he was tormented by the clear awareness of his ignorance and by the prospect of having to learn Latin.

He spoke of all these things to his mother.

"If I were a priest," he said, " I would want to win many souls!" Marie Vianney wept for joy at the thought of it. And when Aunt Margaret Humbert was let into the secret, she too approved highly of John Mary's noble goal.
(From the Remarkable Cure of Ars by Michel de Saint Pierre)

St. John Vianney's Prayer to his guardian angel:

Good evening, my guardian angel. I thank you for keeping watch over me throughout the day. While I sleep, please offer to God every one of my heartbeats.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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