Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday in the Year for Priests

Father Vianney's memories of his childhood provided him not only a gay palette to give color to his fiery and fertile ideas. They also filled him with bitter regret. Love of the soil, of prayer, and of solitude would always continue to haunt him. In the exile of his crushing ministry, in the prison of his little confessional, he would often think of it with tears in his eyes: " If only, now that I am cultivating the souls of others, I had time to think of my own soul, as I did when I farmed my father's acres! How happy I would be!"..."I believe my vocation was to remain a shepherd all my life."

( the Remarkable Cure of Ars by Michel de Saint Pierre)

(photo: The Late Fr. Matthew Herttna, chaplain of St. Dymphna Shrine, Massillon, Ohio)
Visit the Shrine's website:

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS


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