Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stained Glass Flowers-Little Accounts of the Miraculous

An excerpt from Therese and Lisieux
by Pierre Descouvemont and Helmuth Nils Loose:

During her novitiate year, Therese received a great Marian grace. In July 1889, while she was praying in the hermitage of St. Mary Magdalene, she felt herself suddenly covered with the Virgin Mary's veil. She confided this to Mother Agnes on July 11, 1897, three days after she was admitted to the infirmary. "It was like a veil thrown over all the things of earth for me...I was entirely hidden under the Blessed Virgin's veil. At that time, I was in charge of the refectory and I remember that I was doing things as if I weren't doing them: it was if I had been lent a body. I remained this way for an entire week."

All of Therese's Marian piety was marked by this experience. She understood forever what St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort explained in his writings: we must live our Christian life "in Mary." Hers is the maternal womb to which we have the right duty to abandon ourselves so that we may be formed there in the image of Jesus.

In her poems, Therese often proclaimed her joy at being covered by Mary's virginal veil:

"O Immaculate Virgin! You are my sweet star

Who gives me Jesus and unites me to him

O Mother, let me rest under your veil

Only for today."

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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