Friday, October 16, 2009

Spiritual Life Dictionary

Today's Term: Spiritual Betrothal

1. Also called spiritual espousal, it is a symbolic term for an elevated degree of union that takes place in the illuminative way. In it there is a fluctuating between the feeling of God's nearness, the sweetness of his communication, and the experience both of his absence and of other painful trials of purification by which the sensory part is gradually accommodated to the spirit. The coming to completion of the espousal brought about by Christ through the cross and baptism.

2. Sometimes used to refer to a full union of love, like the spiritual marriage.

(From the Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, translated byKieran Kavanugh, OCD)

According to St. Teresa in her Interior Castle, the spiritual betrothal and marriage take place in the seventh mansion. This is a high degree of love and union between the soul and the Holy Trinity. When reading about these mansions we should not get caught up in wondering what mansion we are in. We need to ask God to purify our intentions and give us a great desire to serve him in charity in our brothers and sisters with whom we meet each day.
Let us pray to our Lady, spouse of the Holy Spirit, that she may obtain for us the holy union with God we desire.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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