Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday in the Year for Priests

As a child, he always kept with him the statuette of the Blessed Virgin given him by his mother. Having discovered an ancient willow tree with a hollow trunk, he placed the wooden figurine inside and knelt before it to pray. The willow now took the place of the barricaded church. But in order to decorate the improvised chapel, he had to leave his flock for a moment to the care of Margaret, and set down the woolen sock that little shepherds knitted as they watched their flock.

In the vicinity there were several other shepherd boys. John Mary gathered these boys around him, called them "my children, " gave them sermons, and taught them their catechism. He also organized processions. The children would march behind a homely cross made of two sticks, reciting the rosary and singing hymns.

(The Remarkable Cure of Ars by Michel de Saint Pierre)

"How beautiful it is, how great it is to know, love and serve God! That is all we really have to do in this world. Beyond that, everyhing we do is just a waste of time."
St. John Vianney

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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