Monday, August 3, 2009

Spiritual Direction with St. John of the Cross

(speaking of humble souls)
They rejoice when others receive praise, and their only sorrow is that they do not serve God as others do. Because they consider their deeds insignificant, they do not want to make them known. They are even ashamed to speak of them to their spiritual director because they think these deeds are not worth mentioning. They are more eager to speak of their faults and sins, and reveal these to others, than of their virtues. They have an inclination to seek direction from one who will have less esteem for their spirit and deeds. Such is the characteristic of a pure and simple and true spirit, one very pleasing to God. Since the wise spirit of God dwells within these humble souls, he moves them to keep these treasures hidden, and to manifest only their faults. God gives this grace to the humble, together with other virtues, just as he denies it to the proud.

Yet I believe very few souls are so perfect in the beginning. We would be happy enough if they manged not to fall into these imperfections of pride. As we will point out later, then, God places these souls in the dark night so as to purify them of these imperfections and make them advance.

The Dark Night, Bk. I, Chapter 2-3

Let us pray that we as Secular Carmelites imitate the humility of the Virgin Mary who praised God for the great things he had done for her, his lowly handmaid. Let us strive to give God the glory for any good we possess. Let us refrain from boasting about our spiritual gifts or graces that we receive. Let us imitate St. Therese, the Little Flower, who kept her good works and sufferings hidden in her heart, where God alone could be witness to it.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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