Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday of Our Lady

Feast of the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer to Our Lady before a Pilgrimage Mass

Dear Blessed Mother, please pray with me as I begin the most important part of my pilgrimage, Holy Mass.

Guide me through your loving prayers, dear Mother, to an inner peace and calm. Help me to set aside all my anxious care and concern that I may participate fully in this wonderful act of worship. Let me see in this Mass the unending sacrifice of Jesus, a sacrifice of love for me and for all humanity.

Kind and compassionate Mother, help me to a greater clarity of mind and thought that I might see and hear more fully the message of this Eucharist. give me openness of heart that I may willingly accept into my life, the quiet direction of my loving Father through Sacred Scripture and the wonderful words of the Gospel of Jesus I will hear today.

May this Eucharist be a turning point in my life, Mary, a new beginning in this, my earthly pilgrimage toward my true home, which is in Heaven.

During this Mass I offer to our loving Lord all of my petitions, hopes, desires and problems, all of the intentions of my pilgrimage. I offer them with the priest through our crucified Saviour to the Father. I am confident He will hear me and answer my prayers, just as I am confident of His never-ending love for me.

Dearest Mary, pray for me during this Eucharist. Pray for all of us here in this church. Pray for us as we join in offering to the Father that most perfect act of your beloved Son, Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Adapted from a pilgrimage prayer to Our Lady of Consolation)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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