Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stained Glass Scapulars-Reflections on the Secular Carmelite Rule

The Secular Order sets before its members ideals, based upon the charism and teachings of the Order's saintly Founders, which constitute their particular way in Christian holiness. These are: a deep sense of God's love; fidelity to contemplative prayer with the spirit of detachment it entails; and generosity in the practice of fraternal charity and the apostolate. They will place themselves under Our Lady's protection, and endeavor to live out these ideals in her presence.
The Nature of the Secular Order, Article 2

For the Secular Carmelite the ideals that are set before us are not unattainable goals. We must remember that with God's grace we can attain a blessed state in this life. This is the highest goal we seek: perfect charity.

Again, as stated above, the ideals are:

#1-A deep sense of God's love

If we are progressing in the spiritual life, God's love will permeate our being and our life.We become more patient, merciful and loving to our neighbor. We are eager to share the fruit of our prayer with others. We want to return "love for love" in the words of St. Therese.

#2-Fidelity to contemplative prayer
with the spirit of detachment it entails

This ideal is not some worldly goal we are seeking, that we will "never miss morning or evening prayer" in this ideal we seek to become a living prayer. We must become detached from all that distracts us and divides our heart. Detachment is a painful process on the road to union with God, but if we are sincere, He sees our efforts to please him. He gradually weans us away from worldly things, and even spiritual consolations.

#3-Generosity in the practice of fraternal charity

If we are sincere in our effort to please God, we do indeed produce good fruit of the Spirit, which manifests itself in love of neighbor. We only need to look at the lives of the saints to see the great lengths they went to, to show their love for God by their service to all those they met.

The Rule also states, "They will place themselves under the protection of Our Lady." We must have great confidence in the Mother of the Church, who loves each member of the Body of Christ as her own son or daughter. If we are faithful, she will not fail to defend us before her Son.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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