Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stained Glass Flowers-Little Accounts of the Miraculous

From the life of St. John of the Cross:

So, on September 22, 1591 he mounted the little mule a friend had procured for him and began the last journey of his life...

They proceeded very, very slowly. He spoke of God to the brother who accompanied him. When they had gone three miles; his companion suggested a halt at the banks of the Guadalimar. "In the shade of this bridge your Reverence can rest a little, and the joy of seeing the water will give you an appetite for a mouthful." John consented, "I will gladly take a rest for I need one; but as for eating, I cannot, because I have no appetite for any of the things that God has created, except asparagus, and that is out of season." The brother helped him to dismount and sit down. Then they noticed, on a stone, a bundle of asparagus, bound with an osier twig, as in the market. The brother believed it to be a miracle, but John would not hear of it. He sent the brother to look for the owner and when nobody could be found he had to put a cuarto on the stone as pavement.
From The Science of the Cross by Edith Stein

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Answers to yesterday's quiz:
1). St. John of the Cross
2). Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection
3). 1925
4). 49
5). Piano

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