Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spiritual Life Dictionary

Today's Term:
The Illuminative Way

Once the soul is purified from past faults by a long and arduous penance, in keeping with the number and gravity of those faults, once it has been grounded in virtue through the practice of meditation , of mortification, and resistance to the disordered inclinations and to temptations, then it enters into the illuminative way. this stage of the spiritual life is thus named because the great aim of the soul is now the imitation, the following of Christ.

St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila) describes the soul in the illuminative way. The soul that dwells in the Third Mansion of the Interior Castle is an advanced soul that can be described as:

*Possess an intense desire not to offend His Majesty

*They avoid venial sins

* Have a love for penance

*They are faithful to prayer

*They use their time well

*They perform works of charity towards their neighbor

*Everything about them is in perfect order: their words, their clothes, their homes.

The Spiritual Life, #961, Fr. Adolphe Tanquerey

I recently saw Fr. Groeschel on television and he gave his own description of a person in the Illuminative way. He said the person in this state finds it very easy to pray. You may see these people in church. They come early and stay late. They love to pray.

I think Fr. Groeschel's simple explanation says it well. As Secular Carmelites we can ask ourselves, "Do I love to pray?" Has prayer permeated my entire being to the extent that I am praying constantly? As Carmelites seeking union with God this should be our heart's desire: a more intimate union with Our Lord. Let us pray for each other that we be given the gift of true prayer that stems from purity of heart.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

1 comment:

  1. Rosemarie....you don't know how much I needed to read this today. I shouldn't be surprised....God's timing is always perfect. God Bless you and thank you for sharing this today.
