Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday of Our Lady

True Devotion to Mary
An excerpt by St. Louis Marie DeMontfort

As this devotion essentially consists in a state of soul,it will not be understood in the same way by everyone. Some--the great majority-- Will stop short at the threshold and go no further. Others--not many --will take but one step into its interior. Who will take a second step? Who will take third? Finally who will remain in it permanently? Only the one to whom the Spirit of Jesus reveals the secret. The Holy Spirit himself will lead this faithful soul from strength to strength, from grace to grace, from light to light, until he attains transformation into Jesus in the fullness of his age on earth and of his glory in heaven.

This excerpt reminds me of the spirituality in the Interior Castle as described by St. Teresa of Avila. She states that many souls do not even enter the castle because of worldly attachments. Then there are souls who enter who never make any progress in getting into the higher mansions.
For Secular Carmelites, Mary is the helper we need to escort us into the inner mansions-to lead us to her Son. She is the Gate of Heaven! Let us implore her to help us attain union with God. Let us implore her to lead us from strength to strength, from grace to grace, from light to light!

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. Have you gone through the DeMontfort consecration? I have not but it has been on my heart for awhile.
