Monday, June 22, 2009

Three Words of Wisdom: Staying On Track

There is an old saying by farmers about corn crops: "Knee high by the Fourth of July."

This refers to the observation that one's corn crop is on track to reap a good harvest.

This saying by farmers is a good metaphor for the spiritual life as well. We could ask ourselves if we are on track, so to speak, in our spiritual life and ready for the Harvest Master when he calls.

How do we measure if we are on track? With the only device that Christians possess: the ruler of love.

We can ask ourselves if we are producing good fruit from our prayer life and responding charitably in situations that try us. Sometimes, Secular Carmelites get caught up in the question: What mansion am I in (referring to St. Teresa's Interior Castle)? St. Therese wrote that she did not care about what mansion she was in, because she measured everything by love. In one of her famous poems, Living on Love, she writes:

Living on Love is sailing unceasingly,
Sowing peace and joy in every heart,
Beloved Pilot, Charity impels me,
For I see you in my sister souls.
Charity is my only star.
In its brightness I sail straight ahead.
I've my motto written on my sail:
"Living on Love."

In the above line we see that she treated her sisters as if they were Christ. This is another device we can use to measure our charity. Do we treat everyone the same? Do we play favorites? The Lord teaches us that sinners love those who love them. Do we make a sincere effort to love those who are difficult to love?

You don't have to be a Secular Carmelite to know that St. Therese's life of simplicity and confidence and trust in God was more than a mere motto of "Living on Love." The Holy Spirit-The Spirit of Love, filled her soul to the brim and overflowing with the great gift of charity that we all seek in our desire for holiness. The good news is that her "Little Way" is accessible to all, for all are called to holiness. As St. Teresa teaches us we don't have to think much, but to love much. This is all that is required of us.

As St. Paul says, "Do everything with love."

St. Therese, Doctor of Love, pray for us!

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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