Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stained Glass Scapulars-Reflections on the Secular Carmelite Rule

Article #12

It is the mission of the Secular Carmelites, called as they are to a life both contemplative and apostolic, to carry into the world the distinctive witness of Carmel: "The Lord of Hosts lives, before whom I stand."

One will never fully grasp the full meaning of the Rule unless one clearly understands and wants to live two things: first, the vocation of Carmel; and second, the mission of Carmel...

The Secular Carmelite has been sent by God to carry on the "distinctive witness of Carmel to the world." This simply means that you are not being sent by God to talk to the world...Rather, you are called to be a person who stands for the contemplative way of life and the apostolic fervor or zeal that the Order represents. The world will not be impressed so much by what you say as by what you are.

Commentary on the Rule of Life, Michael D. Griffin, O.C.D.

The Secular Carmelite is required to attend a monthly meeting with the community. Why do we do this? Why must we strive to be faithful to this? Because we need the support of our brothers and sisters to encourage us and help us to live out our vocation and witness of Carmel in the world.

Hopefully, with the practice of fraternal charity, we are building up our community and the Body of Christ in the world. We should strive to bring out the best in our brothers and sisters by first of all practicing what we have promised to do; being faithful to mental prayer each day, being faithful to the praying of the Liturgy of the Hours, being faithful to our devotion to Our Lady, being faithful to the regular reception of the sacraments.

When we come together as a community we share the common struggle of trying to be faithful to our promises. When we look at our brother and sister and see that they are indeed trying, it gives us the courage to renew our desire to be faithful Carmelites. The community meeting strengthens us in our resolve to follow Jesus Christ.

If we are unable to attend a meeting, we should contact the president or a council member and inform them of our absence. When the community becomes closer in friendship with Jesus Christ, the absence of a member is clearly felt, and we should remember in prayer all those who could not be present at the meeting. Someone in the community should contact the person and share with them what took place and what teaching was given.

Let us pray that our communities become holy dwelling places where God is present in the love we have for our brothers and sisters. May the world be a witness to the fruit of our prayer : our love for one another.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds 

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