Thursday, June 11, 2009

St. John of the Cross-Sayings of Light and Love

Saying #54

Souls will be unable to reach perfection who do not strive to be content with having nothing, in such fashion that their natural and spiritual desire is satisfied with emptiness; for this is necessary in order to reach the highest tranquility and peace of spirit. Hence the love of God in the pure and simple soul is almost continually in act.

Many people who read St. John of the Cross misunderstand his "nada" spirituality, or the teaching of emptiness, spiritual poverty, dark night, etc. If one perseveres and studies his teaching, one finds that he describes souls who are filled with joy and peace of spirit when they give up attachments to worldly pleasures.

Let us pray for each other, that the Holy Spirit would enlighten us and give us the grace to deny earthly pleasures and seek the kingdom of God.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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