Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tabernacle of the Week

St. Joseph Church
Massillon, Ohio

...My soul longs for Your Body; my heart desires to be made one with You.
Give Yourself to me, Lord, and it is enough, for apart from You there is no consolation. I cannot exist without You, nor can I live if You do not visit me. Therefore, I must come to You frequently, and receive You for the health of my soul. If I do not, I shall surely faint by the wayside, being deprived of this heavenly food.
Imitation of Christ-Chapter 3-#2.

As Lay Carmelites, we are called to the Eucharistic table each day. Let us thank God for this wonderful gift of being able to receive him daily.

St. Therese once said that the Lord does not come down from heaven to wait in a gold ciborium. No, He longs for us to receive him frequently.

I recently visited the church pictured here and you can see the priest reciting Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours with the few parishioners who came early. This would be a wonderful Carmelite apostolate to start in our parish churches.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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