Monday, April 20, 2009

Secular Carmelite-Servant of God Anita Cantieri

Many Secular Carmelites are unfamiliar with some of the holy members of the "Third Order" of the Discalced Carmelites. Did you know that the brother of St. John of the Cross, Francisco de Yepes was a Lay Carmelite? You may have heard of St. Vincent Pallotti, the founder of the Society for the Catholic Apostolate, he was a Lay Carmelite. Today, I highlight one of the more familiar holy tertiaries: Anita Cantieri, whose cause for sainthood is before the Holy See.

Anita Cantieri
Secular Carmelite

Her Motto:
"To love, suffer, and be silent for the Church and others."

Her Life:

Anita was born in Lucca, Italy, March 30, 1910, and died August 24, 1942, about the same age as her Lord. Her life was one of innocence, love and suffering. She attained an extraordinary spiritual beauty. Anita was greatly loved in life and now she is prayed to by countless people. The Holy See has accepted her as a candidate for sainthood.

Anita came from a fine Catholic home and even in her school years was thoroughly good, generous, and desirous of sanctity. At twenty she tried entering the active Carmelite Sisters of St. Theresa but had to leave after fifteen months because of ill health. She took up her life at home again as a laywoman, always hoping her illness would pass and give her the chance to return to Carmel. But at twenty-four she found herself confined to bed almost continuously with excruciating suffering. Realizing at last that it was not our Lord' wish that she become a Carmelite Sister, she became a Secular Carmelite on July 1, 1935.

Anita devoted herself with all her heart to the vocation she had discovered on her sickbed: that of sharing the sufferings of Jesus Crucified for the salvation of others. This union with Jesus on the Cross, along with love for him in the Blessed Sacrament and love for Mary were the great devotions of her life. She carried on a remarkable apostolate from her very sickbed. People who at first came to console the sufferer went away themselves comforted counselled and encouraged. Toward the end of her life there was a constant stream of visitors to her bedside. Anita had become a fountain of grace for all who came near her. It is still that way, as anyone who approaches her in prayer quickly learns. She welcomes you even now with the same smile and the same love, imparting spiritual favors; peace of heart, strength, a desire for holiness, the desire for God.

Prayer for Anita's Intercession:

Anita, you are now with God and beyond all the troubles of this life. Help me to serve Jesus generously, as you did. Make me willing to suffer for Him and share His cross if He should ask it. Dear and saintly sister, please intercede with our Lord for me in the matter I bring before you now...Thank you with all my heart. Amen.
(Source: Prayer pamphlet from Sioux City Carmel)

Peace be with you!

1 comment:

  1. Rosemarie,

    This is a great comfort and gives me fortitude in my own secular vocation to persevere even among the temptations against prayer. I expected this to happen after making such a decision but take comfort in your thank you for being that well-spring of encouragement!

    God bless,

