Sunday, March 29, 2009

Carmelite Quote

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
A praise of glory is someone rooted in God by faith and simplicity; she reflects everything he is. She is a deeply quarried abyss into which he can flow and pour himself out. She is like a crystal through which he can shine and which he can see his own splendour. Someone who lets the divine Being satisfy his need to communicate all that he is and all that he does to her in this way is truly the praise of glory of all his gifts.

Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, known as Elizabeth Catez in the world, was born of a military family and died at the age of 26 as a cloistered Carmelite nun in Dijon, France. As a young woman she was known for her beauty and was a gifted pianist. She described her mission shortly before her death: " mission will be to draw souls to interior recollection, by helping them to renounce self in order to adhere to God in all simplicity and love." She was beatified by Pope John Paul II. Her feast day is Nov. 8

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your visit! I'm glad you were blessed in some way by the articles. Let us praise the Lord!
