Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tabernacle of the Week

St. Edward Church
Ashland, Ohio

Christ: Frequently go to the fountain of grace and divine mercy--the fountain of goodness and all purity--where you can be cured of your passion and vices. Then you may deserve to be made stronger and more watchful in resisting all the temptations and deceits of Satan.
This enemy is aware of the great benefit and remedy for sin contained in Holy Communion, and tries by every ruse and occasion he can to withdraw and prevent faithful souls from it.
Imitation of Christ, Chapter 19

The Church teaches that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our Faith. For the Secular Carmelite the Eucharist is central to our vocation as well.

Our Rule states:
The liturgical life, as a perennial participation in the Paschal Mystery, nourishes the Secular Carmelites in their daily commitment to follow Christ crucified and risen. It leads toward an ever more perfect union with God, by making the pains and joys of their life an offering of praise and glory to God.
Their liturgical life will express itself chiefly through participation in the Eucharist and in the celebration of the church's Divine Office. They will, as far as possible, join in the celebration of daily Mass, and each day recite Morning and Evening Prayer from the Breviary; if possible they will recite Nigh Prayer before retiring. Article 5

If you have not begun attending daily mass and and receiving holy communion, I would highly recommend this holy practice. Our lives are so short...let us pray that not one day pass without our receiving the Lord who is waiting eagerly for us to receive Him.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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