Today's Term:
Mortification, then, may be defined as the struggle against our evil inclinations in order to subject them to the will, and the will to God. It is not so much a virtue as an ensemble of virtues--the first degree of all the virtues--which consists in overcoming the obstacles that stand in the way so as to restore to our faculties their lost balance and reestablish among them their right order. Thus it is easily seen that mortification is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. We mortify ourselves only to live a higher life; we despoil ourselves of external goods only the better to lay hold of spiritual goods; we renounce self but to possess God; we struggle but to obtain peace; we die to ourselves but to live the life of Christ, the life of God. Hence, the end of mortification is union with God.
The Spiritual Life, By Fr. Adolphe Tanquerey, #754
(click on photo for Stations of the Cross)
This definition of mortification as an ensemble of virtue will help us in our continued study of the fruits of the spirit also known as virtues. My next post on the fruits will take a closer look at the fruit of "Faithfulness."
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Wonderful sharing, Rose. I love the way you allow Christ and His Church to lead the way in all your writing. And you give links to good, solid Catholic teaching, the way to Heaven. Beautiful! Thank you for all you do in His Name.