Saturday, January 24, 2009

Carmelite Quote


"I would spread the Gospel in all parts of the earth, even to the farthest isles. I would be a missionary, but not for a few years only. Were it possible, I should wish to have been one from the world's creation and to remain one till the end of time."
St. Therese of Lisieux

Just like the Apostles who left their fishing boats to follow Jesus, St. Therese left the security of her family life and the comfort of her home to enter the penitential life of Carmel. The joy of her conversion never wavered. She testifies to that in the above quote. St. Therese is like the dove of peace who brings the Good News with great Love and simplicity to all who will listen today.

St. Therese's desire to spread the gospel to all parts of the world has certainly come true. The Church has lifted up her life and writings for all the faithful, as a means for us to grow in holiness.

Tomorrow, the Church celebrates another great missionary and his conversion, St. Paul. Let us give thanks to God for the spread of the gospel through these two saints. Let us thank Him that the Word of Life has reached our ears and penetrated our hearts through their heroic efforts.

St. Therese, Patroness of World Missions, pray for us!

St. Paul, pray for us!

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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