Friday, November 14, 2008

Nov. 14-All Saints of Carmel-Feast Day

Happy Feast Day to all Secular Carmelites!

Let us pray for each other: that one day we may experience forever the vision of the Most Adorable Trinity in the company of our Blessed Lady of Mt. Carmel, and all the Carmelite Saints in light.

From the Carmelite Proper for All Carmelite Saints:

St. Teresa of Jesus:

All of us who wear this holy Carmelite habit are called to prayer and contemplation. This is what we were founded for. We are descended from those holy fathers of ours on Mount Carmel, those who went in search of that treasure--the priceless pearl we are talking about--in such solitude and with such contempt for the world.

We must remember those holy fathers of ours who have gone before us, the hermits whose lives we are trying to imitate. We must remember our real founders, those holy fathers whose descendants we are. It was by way of poverty and humility, we know, that they came to the enjoyment of God.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

1 comment:

  1. Is there a local lay OCDS contact person/group that I could email or call to get more info? Thx! Andy
