Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Novena Prayer to St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower

Novena Prayer to St. Therese

St. Therese, Flower of fervor and love, please intercede for me. Fill my heart with your pure love of God. Make me more aware of the goodness of God and how well he tends His garden. Instill in me your "little way" or doing ordinary things with extra-ordinary love. Give me the heart of a child who wonders at life and embraces everything with loving enthusiasm. Teach me your delight in God's ways so that divine charity may blossom in my heart.

Little Flower of Jesus, bring my petitions (mention here) before God our Father. With your confidence, I come before Jesus as God's child, because you are my heavenly friend.



  1. HI
    I really like this prayer. Can I use it on my Web site also?

  2. Nick,

    I found this prayer on an old holy card that may have come from the Carmelites (O.Carm) in Darien, Illinois. I'm sure the Carmelites won't mind us spreading the word about St. Therese.
    I try my best not to violate copyrights. I don't think this had one.

  3. Hi,
    I try my best not to violate copyrights also. I found your Blog and I like it. Thank you. Please kindly keep me in your prayers. My parish priest asked me to start a Saint Therese young adult group.

  4. Hi Nick,

    Please leave me your web address. I would like to visit.

    Thank you for the positive feedback. Of course I will be praying for you and this holy ministry you are about to undertake. I'm sure St. Therese is smiling on you and your priest!

    I am the Formation Director of our community here in Akron. If I can help you with any resources, etc.,please let me know.

    How far are you from the Carmelite Monastery in Port Tobacco, MD? I have been there often and love that part of Maryland.


  5. Hello Rosemarie,
    Yes, please, please ... I have been praying for help from St. Therese. I'm not exactly sure what resources I need. So I can take whatever you can spare.

    I am currently working on the Web site. It is not up yet. It will be

    My email is

    I am about an hour away from Port Tobacco, MD. I have never been there, and I didn't know there was Monastery there.

    Thank you for your prayers and kindness
