Sts. Peter and Paul ChurchDoylestown, OhioEstablished in 1827
Oldest parish in the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio
The Jubilee Year of St. Paul
June 28-2008 through June 29-2009In our Diocese of Cleveland, Bishop Lennon has designated certain parishes as official pilgrimage sites to gain a Plenary Indulgence for the Jubilee of St. Paul.
Sts. Peter & Paul Church in rural Wayne County is one of the parishes. Here is their website

Now focusing on Carmelite Spirituality, let's turn to Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity who was fondly called "Sabeth" by her family. She is well-known for her "Pauline" spirituality.
Here is an excerpt from her retreat called Heaven in Faith.
"Remain in Me." It is the word of God who gives this order, expresses this wish. Remain in Me,not for a few moments, a few hours which must pass away, but "remain..." permanently, habitually, Remain in Me, pray in Me, adore in Me, love in Me, suffer in Me, work and act in Me. Remain in Me so that you may be able to encounter anyone or anything; penetrate further still into these depths. This is truly the "solitude into which God wants to allure the soul that He may speak to it," as the prophet sang.

In order to understand this very mysterious saying, we must not, so to speak, stop at the surface, but enter ever deeper into the divine Being through recollection. "I pursue my course," exclaimed St. Paul: so must we descend daily this pathway of loving confidence. Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, Heaven in Faith
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity's writings are full of the spirituality of St. Paul. In the year of his Jubilee, I would highly recommend her writings as a way of honoring St. Paul. Carmelites throughout the world will honor her on Nov. 8, her feast day. Let us pray for a miracle so that she may be canonized soon.
Bl. Elizabeth found her mission within the Church from St. Paul's writings: "We have been predestined by the decree of Him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we may be the praise of His glory." She desired to be a Praise of His Glory!
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, Pray for us!
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS