Sunday, January 24, 2021

Carmelite Quote

Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and inspired by the words of St. Paul wished to become a "Praise of Glory" to the most Holy Trinity. This is an excerpt of her description of a soul who is a Praise of Glory:

A praise of glory is a soul that lives in God, that loves him with a pure and disinterested love, without seeking itself in the sweetness of this love; that loves him beyond all His gifts and even though it would not have received anything from Him, it desires the good of the Object thus loved...Thus the soul must surrender itself to this will completely, passionately, so as to will nothing else but what God wills.

A praise of glory is a soul of silence that remains like a lyre under the mysterious touch of the Holy Spirit so that He may draw from it divine harmonies: it knows that suffering is a string that produces still more beautiful sounds, so it loves to see this string on its instrument that it may more delightfully move the Heart of its God.

As Secular Carmelites we are striving to be a Praise of Glory in our own unique way by using the gifts God has given us. We are not holy of ourselves and our own efforts. We only reflect the light, and beauty, and holiness of the Trinity living within us. When we become Christlike and become the image of his Son by our charity, we become a true Praise of His Glory.

Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, pray for us.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS


  1. I love this! I want to be this, since my love of silence has grown tremendously over the last three years! Sometimes noise is unbearable to me! Come Holy Spirit, fill us with the fire of Your love and mold us into the soul you wish us to be! Praise God!

  2. Erin,
    It sounds like Jesus is drawing you deeper into the enclosed Garden of Carmel, where he waits in love and silence for you! I pray that we all respond to his invitation of deep,intimate love with him.

  3. Thank you Rosemarie for all your encouragement! I have already said my "yes" to the Lord, now all He has to do is help me to put one foot in front of the other! I cannot wait!
