Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lourdes Jubilee Walk-Third Landmark: The Grotto

Arise, my love, my fair one,and come; my dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hollow of the wall, show me your face...(Sg.2;10-14)
The Grotto is a place of pilgrimage to about 5 million people each year. People of all faiths visit this holy shrine nestled in the Pyrenees mountains. There are numerous beautiful signs, sights, and sounds at Lourdes, however, it is the Grotto that mainly attracts the pilgrim. It is holy ground.

We know that rock is a symbol for Christ and his Church. It was to a little one, Bernadette , that Our Lady revealed herself in the heart of the rock to the Church. Mary asks us to listen to her humble messenger and follow her example of prayer, penance, and prayer for the conversion of sinners. Bernadette is like a type of Moses who goes up to the mountain and contemplates the face of God. Now, like Moses, she is sent to relay the message to the people.
"Penance, Penance, Penance."
"This Grotto has become the seat of an astonishing school of prayer, where Mary teaches everyone how to contemplate the face of Christ with intense love..." John Paul II, Aug. 14, 2004, Lourdes

Carmel is our spiritual school, where, with the help of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the Carmelite Saints we seek the face of God in prayer on behalf of the Church. In this school of Carmel we are called to imitate the Virgin Mary. We are called to imitate her holy recollection, her silence, her pondering the Word in her heart. We are called mainly to be faithful to the charism of the Order: Contemplative prayer.

"The Carmelite School of spirituality begins with the conviction that all are called to the perfect union of love with God; that imitation of Mary, the great woman of faith and spiritual union with Christ, is our model in following Christ, and the belief that by making mental prayer and practicing self-denial the central focus of our lives, we are on the surest way to God." Michael Griffin, OCD, Commentary on the Rule of Life

While we may not travel to Lourdes on pilgrimage, we are on a spiritual pilgrimage having responded to the call of Our Lady to ascend Mt. Carmel. Let us fortify ourselves with heavenly food for the journey: The Eucharist. May the Word of God reside in our heart and shed light on our path, as we cling to the rock: Christ Our Lord.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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